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knob noster early learning

Where Learning Takes Flight

Parents As Teachers (PAT)

PAT provides support to children (birth to 5 years of age) and their family in reaching their goals and addressing needs. Enrollment provides Knob Noster families access to family personal visits, developmental screenings, group connection activities, and resource networks through the guidance of a parent educator.  Developmental screenings (general development and health) are periodically conducted to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas of developmental delay of a child.  Family personal visits center around family goals and needs. They allow the parent educator to individualize educational guidance by observing the child and parent-child interactions, provide information on child development, and support parent-child activities to increase developmental growth. Group connections provide child development information to families in a setting that encourages networking with other families of similar aged children.  Activities focus on parent-child interaction, development centered parenting, and family well-being. Parents As Teachers is a free program for all Knob Noster and Whiteman AFB families with children birth to pre-Kindergarten. Click here to join the program: PAT Enrollment Form

First Flight - Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

ECSE is a federally funded, eligibility based program falling under the regulations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  ECSE provides special education and related services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) after being properly evaluated and identified to meet Missouri’s criteria for a disability. 

Pre-K Pilots - Title I Preschool

Title I Preschool is a federally funded, criteria based program intended to assist children most at risk of failing to meet the State's challenging standards. Children determined eligible are provided high quality, developmentally appropriate early learning experiences to develop prerequisite skills for school success.

Little Wingmen Preschool (LWM)

GEAR UP 4 Little Wingmen is a blend of academics and play-based learning. It is a grant funded program focused on providing early childhood STEM and literacy rich opportunities and developing leadership and character traits in young children to enhance Kindergarten readiness and longitudinal K-12 learning outcomes.


The KNSD utilizes the Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning-4th edition (SPEED DIAL and DIAL-4) to screen children in the areas of motor, concepts, language, self-help, and social-emotional skills for potential at-risk and/or developmental delays.  Screening is the first step in accessing any of the KNSD early learning programs.  Fall and spring screenings are conducted each school year and are scheduled through the Student Services Office (660-563-5597).  Screening outcomes determine which of KNSD's three early learning programs is appropriate in supporting your child’s needs in the least restrictive environment.




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